Sandy Hamilton

324097 The Glen Road,
Priceville, ON N0C 1K0, Canada
Phone Number: (519) 369-1011

Opening Hours


About Sandy Hamilton Priceville

On January 1, 1976, at the age of 25, Alex Hamilton began operating a sole proprietorship heating company carrying on business under the name of “Hamilton Heating”.

The company was located about 5 miles east of the Town of Durham in a part of Glenelg Township locally known as “The Glen” on the same property as the Hamilton family resided. It was a small business in the beginning consisting mostly of annual cleaning and maintenance of oil furnaces and a 24 hour repair service.

Over the years the business grew to include installation of both oil and gas furnaces and air conditioners as well as maintenance and repair services. The business grew steadily over the years and eventually a plumber was hired and two heating technicians to keep up with the current customer base and their needs. One of the new technician’s was Alex’s son Sandy...
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