Hans Podzun Notary Public

4400 Hazelbridge Way,
Richmond, BC V6X 3R8, Canada
Phone Number: (604) 273-1101

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About Hans Podzun Notary Public Richmond

Hans Podzun Notary Public has provided legal services to the residents of Richmond for 21 years.

He also served as a realtor in the Richmond area for about 8 years before moving to his notary public services.

This gives him a great background in real estate, and serves as added experience when dealing with mortgages and refinancing.

If you are in need of assistance with writing wills or selling property, trust in Hans Podzun to make the transactions easy and convenient. Background and Commitment Hans Podzun is committed and passionate about his work, and he believes in providing his clients with the personal attention and excellent service that they deserve.

He has a great reputation, and has been a long-time member of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce. 

He’s even...
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