Chapel Hats

8882 170 St NW,
Edmonton, AB T5T 5X1, Canada
Phone Number: 780.484.9530

About Chapel Hats Edmonton

Chapel Hats is all of us. This company is built by a passion for life. Everyone has their own style and hats are a great way to show our many facets. We want to build a culture through creativity and fashion and history. "Every hat is unique and so are the people who wear them." Hats like us are unique and our goal is to find the perfect hat for you no matter what your style is. Our Crew is committed to showing you customer service that other company's try to meet. We are Hatter Nation and you are welcome. We carry hats from all over the world. We have hats for the ladies and for the gents. Our commitment is to bring you new fashion at respectable prices that keep you coming back for more.
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