Orabrush Tongue Cleaner - 1 Count - For Treatment of Bad Breath

Ultra-soft, micro-pointed bristles reach deep into the uneven areas of your tongue removing bad breath bacteria your toothbrush can't touch Toothbrush bristles are packed together in tight bunches to sweep the smooth surfaces of your teeth, not clean down into the crevices of your tongue where stinky gunk hides 9% Of bad breath comes from a dirty tongue per The Dental School of the University of Buffalo, NY These bristles are designed after a surgeon's scrub brush; The scraper then collects and removes the bacteria and residue generated from brushing, helping fight bad breath; Replace every 3-4 months To clean: simply hold the head of the Orabrush under a stream of running water and store it in an area that will allow the bristles to air dry; The Orabrush is also top-rack, dishwasher safe Acheter sur Amazon

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