Ledger Nano S Crypto Hardware Wallet - Securely Buy, Manage and Grow Your Bitcoin Wallet and Other Digital Assets

About this item Buy, exchange, sell and grow your crypto assets, easily and securely. One place for all your crypto needs. Reclaim power over your money: Combine the Ledger Nano S with the Ledger Live app for maximum security and control over your crypto. The Ledger Nano S keeps your coins offline and protected. All your crypto in one place: Install up to 3 applications on your device, depending on their size. Ledger Nano S supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Stellar and many more. You can safely install and uninstall applications on your device to optimize your capacity needs. Simple and powerful to use: Download Ledger Live, then install crypto apps and create your account. Every transaction is confirmed on your hardware wallet, keeping your crypto secure. Ledger Nano S wallet is independently certified. Ledger Live’s backed up by the most trusted hardware wallet available. So you’re in full control. Acheter sur Amazon

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